A good translation can really help your business go places, just as a poor translation can undermine all your hard work. Entrust your translations to a professional, experienced translator, and see for yourself what a difference it can make.
Hibbert Translations specialises in French to English translations in the following fields: legal, business, marketing and biotechnology.
Holly Hibbert BA DipTrans
I am a qualified, experienced freelance translator. I lived in France for over ten years
After gaining my degree, I spent a year or so working in technical translation, followed by seven years as a translator and project manager at a small but versatile translation company.
I hold the highly regarded Diploma in Translation, a master’s degree-level diploma awarded by the UK-based Chartered Institute of Linguists. In 2024 I completed the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs (ILSPA) Legal Secretaries Diploma as part of my ongoing quest to improve my legal translation skills.
I am a member of Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) - an association of language professionals - and I volunteer for Translators without Borders, a non-profit which provides translation services for humanitarian causes.
I am reliable, thorough and conscientious and my translations are faithful, accurate and elegant.
Do not underestimate the power of a professional translation: get in touch and I’d be happy to send you a quote.

Fields of
Deeds and instruments, powers of attorney, witness statements, expert reports, police reports, prenuptial agreements, wills, etc.
Terms and conditions of sale/purchase, confidentiality agreements, contracts and agreements, articles of association, professional correspondence, annual reports, employee performance reviews, job descriptions, websites, presentations, certifications, newsletters, calls for tenders, etc.
Presentations, press releases, brochures, flyers, websites, promotional materials, packaging and labels, articles, blog posts, etc.
Industry intelligence reports, articles, interviews, blog posts, newsletters, job descriptions, websites, annual reports, etc.